Friday, October 24, 2008

The Georgina Diaries

Yesterday, after jogging - err rather walking, we stopped by our neighbor's house because a litter of pups were doing what they do best, looking cute. Our neighbor asked us if we wanted one. She said that she couldn't handle taking care of all of them, and we were more than happy to adopt one (or two?) of 'em. We got a cute girl pup, and I named her George.

Why George?

When I was a little kid, I used to watch looney tunes all the time. One of my favorite episodes included an abominable snowman who wanted to have his very own bunny rabbit.

(the amazing youtube truly has a wide array of videos!)

Ever since this episode, I, too, wanted to have a pet named "George" to hug and squeeze and pet. And without a doubt, I would be doing a much, much, MUCH better job than that snowman. :)

On Georgie's first day with me, I had a lotta fun playing with her. I went to the mall to buy stuff for her. I turned a cart into something I thought she would be comfortable in.
I went out for a while and asked our Ate Nene to look after my baby. When I came back, my momma told me that George had been crying the whole time. I took her inside my room so that she wouldn't feel lonely. I put her to sleep and when she finally did at 1AM, I rested. In what I thought had been a few hours, I was awaken by George's howls. When I looked at my clock, it was only 2AM! I tried to quiet her down, and she did. But after a few minutes or seconds, she went howling again - which seemed a few decibels higher than the ones before. Georgie was really testing my patience. I was thinking that at this rate, I'm never going to get any sleep. I did what any reasonable, sleepy, cranky person would do. I took her to the kitchen where she could move around freely and scream all night.

On her second day, George was less fussy. It turned out that she was just hungry yesterday. We were feeding her milk since she's only about 3 weeks old. But when my mom fed her rice with soup, she became more active than the Energizer bunny. It didn't take her five minutes to finish her meal. Boy was she hungry! Patay gutom talaga. She was recharged! She became more playful, malambing and bouncier. I didn't get to spend much time on the internet because she would cry every now and then and I had to pull her out of a hole or help her out when she gets too scared to jump back down the steps she climbed.

I may just have had a sneak peak of mommy-hood. My baby is most of the time annoying, shrill and needy. But when she puts her paws on my feet, and tries to snuggle beside me to sleep, she proves to be one of the most effective stress relievers during this time in my life.

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